I don't have cable, and so when I watch tv it's online--and one of the things I have noticed about these online shows is that the commercial breaks often consist of the same commercial played over and over and over again until you've got the whole thing memorized. This was one of those commercials.
But one day, as I watched it, I began to think about the beautiful people who gave me my life back.
I had reached the point mid-way through my seminary studies where I was struggling hard not to be done with the church. I was genuinely, deeply hurting from the mixed responses of a church to my gifts and desire to contribute to the body of Christ. I was growing weary with the recognition of the fact that very often, even in the safe space of my classroom community at seminary, I was downplaying my intelligence in order to try to be less threatening. I was not convinced that there would be space in the church for me to thrive anymore. And I was deeply discouraged by how the church was handling conversations about gender and sexuality, and how many people, people who are dearly loved by God, were being hurt in the process.
I still loved the church, but I wasn't sure how to belong to it anymore.
In the midst of this struggle, a friend invited me to attend a weekly potluck hosted by her community, a group of people trying to follow God's call among people struggling with poverty and related challenges.
I confess, I've lived my whole life taking my privilege and upper-middle-class-ness for granted, and I was uncertain about what I might find in this community, and yet something made me accept her invitation nonetheless.
That is how House Blend came into my life.
These people, beautiful people, gave me my life back. They gave me the church back.

As I struggled with the pressures of working, taking classes, and juggling the deadlines of writing a Master's thesis, these friends faithfully prayed for me and encouraged me, even when some of them were keenly aware of the barriers that prevented them from pursuing their dreams of similar studies.
Although they themselves might struggle with faith and believing in the reality of a loving God, they were the first to cheer me on whenever I was invited to preach somewhere. They were the first to assure me, without hesitation, that I had gifts that the world needs.
And when I was having a hard week, and came to potluck with very little to offer, they were the first to quietly put the kettle on, offer a hug, make me a cup of tea, and set the table while I collected myself, regardless of the fact that this was technically my job. They gave me the precious gift of allowing me to be human, and teaching me to embrace my own humanness as a gift from God.
From these beautiful people, I learned perseverance, resilience, and hope. Over pots of tea and walks in the neighbourhood, I experienced the love of God being given to me, even when I felt like it should have been me giving to them. Here, more than anywhere else, I learned about the truth that each part of the body of Christ is beautiful and necessary and has its own gifts to offer--none to be valued above all of the others. I learned about belonging, about being loved, about what it is to be human.
I am so grateful for this small community of people who choose, week in and week out, to love one another and share life together. I'm so grateful for the sharing of highs and lows, for the communion of casseroles and coffee, for the candlelit prayers and honest conversations. Church has forever been changed for me because of them.
And I just needed to say so today.
"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12: 27